Tempest Wave has started testing 3.1 update.
In this preview, we will test TSystem changes. Tempest Wave changes will be introduced later.
Tempest Wave: 3.1.0-preview
TSystem: 0.4.0-preview
Patch Note
[+] Added flags and values for Mode, which can modify the behavior of Basis.
flickThreshold : Threshold distance of flick judging.
requireReleaseAtSlideEnd : Slide end note requires release input?
requireHoldToSustainSlide : Hold or slide note requires holding to sustain it?
enableStrictSlideJudge : Slide requires all middle notes not to be judged as MISS?
allowMultiline : Basis creates line between notes appearing at same time?
tailDefaultColor : Default color array for tail mesh.
connectorDefaultColor : Default color array for flick connector mesh.
multilineDefaultColor : Default color array for line connecting same time notes.
[=] Refactored note input system.
[=] Sometimes notes were being judged many times. This is fixed.
[=] TSystem is now distributed via Unity Package Manager.